Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hey Big Winner LOL!

I am so excited to share some fun news. I WON some fabulously generous blog candy from Lori. She was celebrating 20,000 hits, can you believe it!!! Here is a fun pic from her blog of the goods. Isn't it yummy!

Now I must admit I am fairly new to blogging and I am quite ashambed to admit that when I announced about her generosity here I forgot to link it. What an idiot!!! Luckily for me she had that you could just leave a comment as well. So, the link to her bolg is above and she is one talented woman. Please go over and check out her fabulousness and give some congrats on 20,000 blog hits!

On a side note, I have been away at the National Hearts at Home conference the last two days, so there was no stamping done. With being gone, I have appointments all tomorrow. If all goes well, I will have some fun cards to share on Monday.

It's a good life!
Terri E.