Saturday, April 25, 2009

Papertrey Blog Hop!!!!

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be participating again. I had the best time last month and learned so many new things that I just knew I had to participate again. Well when the challenge was issued by Nichole issued the challenge to use MyTimeless Templates, I knew just what needed to happen. I have been wanting to organize my stamping room and the new template From the Desk of was perfect to help with that. To give myself more motivation, I went up to my room on the morning of the 15th and snapped shots just as it was. WOW!!!! I am the messiest stamper ever. I can't even add a LOL :( But as you see, that is about to change.

Here is my stamping room in all of it's messy glory. If you notice on the corner of my desk is a Mytimeless Template that I made just after Lauren created it. It is the Birthday card organizer and it is an All Boxed Up template that has been altered. Here is Lauren's instructions go and check out the master. I will say it has made my birthday card giving so much easier!
Wow I warned you what a mess! As you can see I am dying need of organization! Here is a shot of my desk. As I started to look at it, I had a lot of cards that I didn't even realize I had made stacked up. I also had quite a few that were made, addressed and written on that just needed to go to the post office. What a problem. I really needed to make something to orgaize my complete cards so that when I needed a sympathy card I could just go get it, write in it and send it off.

This was my solution for all of the completed cards. I decided to set up display cubes for all of the completed cards. It is really fun. I am going to hang some family pictures above display cubes to make it more homey, but here it is. Here is a close up of one of the 5 double From the Desk of's that I made to organize my complete cards.
Here is the close up of the top cubes. Isn't that fun. I neve did count how many cards I got into each one, but I know there was a lot!!! Did you notice the other Mytimeless Template on the top? That is for my Grandmothers for Mother's Day. I only had one box done, so the other cards will go in the other box when I get it complete. Love it!!!
Here was my next challenge. What to do about the pens, glue and various little things that need a place on the desk. Well here comes From the desk of to the rescue again! Love it!!!!
Dosen't that look much better!
Can you see the double from the desk of in Kraft behind the brown one? Well use your imagination because that is where all of my buttons will go when I can get my hands on some of those square trendy tubes. (This is also all ideas from Lauren!) I will have space to hold 20 colors (hint, hint!).

Just today, as I was finishing up my last bit of picking up for the pictures, I realized I really needed another From the Desk of to hold my envelopes. I have found if my envelopes are on my desk, I have a better chance of stamping them to match and then I address them all right away as well. It has been really successful with my birthday card campaign.
So I made 14 From the Desk Of templates in very little time. I just started all of the creating yesterday. It took me all the other time to clean out and organize the stamp room. Hopefully I will get more stamping done this weekend now that this project is done. If you would like to see more of the room, like Izzy's stamping table and the other organziation fixes I came up with, feel free to check out this post.

Wow that was a long post. Thanks so much for looking!

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Deets: All Supplies are Papertrey Ink unless noted
Paper: Green Tea Leaves, Vintage Cream, Kraft, SU Mellow Moss, Chocolate Chip
Accessories: MYTIMELESS TEMPLATES!!!, Vintage Cream saddle stich ribbon, Aqua mist buttons, brown buttons, melon berry buttons, new leaf buttons, SU vanilla hodgepodge hardware, SU Chocolate chip saddle stich ribbon, dmc floss, sticky strip, crystal effects


Allison Cope said...

Wowsers Terri! You have been hard at work. Your scraproom looks awesome! Love the double "From the Desk of" projects and your desk organizers! Beautiful job!

Erin said...

I love seeing others creative spaces... and such a beautiful way to organize everything huh? So wonderful! Fantastic job!

Lisa said...

What a great way to use a template to help get organized.

Natasha said...

Wow, you've been busy! These are all fabulous! Awesome job on the organization!

Courtney Baker said...

Wow girl you are seriously good. I just barely had enough time to churn out my one basket! Fab job!

AKiteFlier said...

Hi Terri - what great organizational ideas you came up with and what a lot of work LOL but love it - thanks for sharing all the deets!

Nancy L. said...

Wow, those are really cute!

Lauren (mytime) said...

YEAH for you! You got organized I love this! Your new and improved and organized space is awesome!!

Tricia said...

That is a wonderful idea for organization!! TFS!!

Verda said...

Almost look to cute to use.

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness I love seeing how you organized with the templates. I had to laugh at the first picture of the mess you had going on. I often wonder if I'm the only one who can make such a mess in a quick amount of time. You cleaned up great!

Vicky said...

wow! you really rocked this challenge! your room looks terrific and so organized (wanna come over and do that to mine!? :) ). great job!!

Janelle said...

What a great idea to do multiple back-to-backs of this template for organizing your completed cards. Sounds like a real workable solution -- and it looks fabulous!

Leigh Ann Baird said...

I love your idea! My craft room looks like a tornado went through it but I am so much more creative when it's messy. I still prefer it clean!

Regan said...

great job on the projects and your room!

Deanna said...

ooo I love organization! You used your projects brilliantly!

Jackie Pedro said...

This is awesome!! Great projects!

peggysue said...

Long post but what a great job organizing! Won't you come out to my home and do the same now?

Donelda said...

wow, what a great idea to get so organized and in such a beautiful way!

BethieJ said...

Terri those are BEAUTIFUL!!! I cant believe you got 14 made!! GREAT job!

Susan said...

Your room looks like mine after I create something! (I love your wall colors.)What great projects you made!! I especially love the card holders. One can always use those.

ljurecek said...

Way to go! You got that all organized and looking pretty to boot! Loved how your organizers turned out.

Patti said...

Love it! 14 templates is awesome, and so many different uses.

Marge said...

Oh my heck -- your organizers & room all look awesome! Way to organize!!!

Terri said...

Wow that is a lot of templates to have made but they make a great addition to your organized stamp room! Nice job.

Lori said...

Wow! You totally embraced this challenge! Your stamp room looks fabulous with all of your new organizational tools.

Jennifer L. said...

Wow! I need to apply some of those organizing ideas in my stamp room. Nice work.

Ally said...

Those are perfect for organizing! Love all the colours.

Unknown said...

GREAT way to organize!! Love thinking!

mamaliu said...

Thanks for being brave enough to share your stamping room! I'm not that brave yet! Awesome ideas for using the templates for craft room organization!

Dana Gustafson said...

Wow Terri! You have been busy! I love that you used the template to get a handle on your cards and other supplies. You really DID have a ton of cards already made. THat's so cool. Thanks for showing us your stamp room and your great solutions!

KellyMB said...

WOW! Great idea and I like having the envelopes right there to decorate and address as well.

Lisa H. said...

okay, I think you just inspired me to get organized. my room looks like yours did. I love what you did with those templates. you've been busy! pat yourself on the back.

KT said...


anya said...

Great job, Terri! I love how you created the double template and utilized it for some organization! I am always in need of some organization inspiration! :) Fantastic!

Babies-Beth said...

HOly toledo, Terri!! What a great day you had, and you made 14?!? You get the great organizer award!!