Friday, May 22, 2009


Well hopefully when you read this we are off to "Lordia" as Izzy has lovingly renamed Flordia. We will be staying in Clearwater. I say hopefully because as of Wednesday Izzy still had an ear infection in her right ear. We are going to make the final decision this morning after we see how her night went. She has been on antiboticis since Sunday and hopefully everything will be just fine if we end up going. Needless to say I would really appreciate any prayers you could send out way.

Onto the fun card. This was for the CPS Sketch #116
Here is a close up and I am so sorry it is blury. I just wanted to show how fun and sparkly the accents are. How can you not bling up a Bella?
The complete card
I had a hard time with the bottom strip of circles. I ended up adding some bling at the bottom. I really liked the end result it is so girly. This is for my cousin Emily's birthday. I think she will really love it.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All supplies are Stampin Up unless noted
Stamps: Stamping Bella Tinkerbella and Make a wish
Paper: Flamingo dsp, Cameo Coral, PTI Stampers select white
Ink: Staz on, soft sky
Accessories: Fire rinestones brads, stampin dimensionals, cameo coral, real red, blush blossom, creamy carmel markers, aqua painter, diamond and yellow stickles


  1. Oh how sweet is she! LOVE the colors and love how wonderfully it fits the CPS sketch.

  2. Hi Terri! Your card is darling! Isn't is funny how we aren't grooving to the sketch one minute and then the next we "solve" the problem by doing something BETTER than we could have imagined! I love the bling at the bottome of the card! It's nicely balanced with the beautiful wings and it all just looks DELICIOUS, in a yummy card-making kind of way! Best of luck with your trip: I hope the little one is on the mend!

  3. This card is so sweet! I love the colors and sparkle!
