Monday, May 25, 2009

PTI Blog Hop!!!

Hello everyone! I am so glad I got everything finished up before we left for vacation for the blog hop. I am just loving this fun night with all of the yummy PTI eye candy! It really gets me ready to shop on the 15th, LOL. This month the challenge was to use yellow. It really got me wanting for more shades of yellow from PTI. I really try to stay with PTI only when I create for this challenge, so I would love some more shades wink, wink. Here is a close up of my creation. Can I just say I LOVE star prints and everything that goes with it. This is the stacked star image that I cut out many times in different colors and then ran through the xyron and blinged it up LOL!
Here is the complete card.
I losely based this on last weeks SFYTT sketch from Jenn. I really liked the circle images and it was tons of fun to work with. This beauty is for a cousin that just graduated high school. I thought this set was fabulous for such an occasion. I also used my essential glue pad to rim all of the circles with bling. Have a fabulous day and I can't wait to see all of the fun creations. I am not sure I will be going around until we get back, but I will check out all of the fun yellow creations.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All supplies are Papertrey Ink unless noted
Stamps: Heart Prints
Paper: Star Prints dsp, Stampers select white
Ink: True Black, Lemon Tart
Accessories: Lemon Tart buttons, Essential glue pad, SU stampin dimensionals, GKD glitter, Xyron


  1. Love your circles and all that beautiful sparkly goodness!!

  2. I would love more shades of yellow too! :> I really LOVE your blinged out stars...they really shine! Hope you are having a great vacation! :>

  3. Love how you used the circles and the sentiments!

    Great job!

  4. wow just beautiful Terri! You did a fantastic Job!

  5. Another striking black/yellow card!!!

  6. Great card. Love the graduated circles.

  7. Great job! I love the circles!

  8. I love this layout, and the sparkly stars!

  9. Beautiful, love all the sparkle!

  10. Teri this is rockin awesome! Love the glitter on the star and the layout really worked for you on this one. Super job!

  11. Loving the sparkle! great job

  12. Very nice!!! Love the circle sentiments!!

  13. great LO and all that sparkle?? YUMMY :) beautiful!

  14. LOVE LOVE LOVE the bling on the star! sooo CUTE! and a GREAT idea!!
    Have a WONDERFUL vacation!

  15. Wow! What a beautiful sparkler! That star dot paper is so perfect!

  16. Gorgeous Terri! Love the sparkle it has!

  17. Very cool card! I love the black and yellow together! Love your star layers too!

  18. Love it, love it, love it. Those buttons are a great finisher.

  19. Nice job. I especially like the circles and the stars together. Hope you are having fun on your vacation.

  20. oh happy vacation time! Your card is so cute, and could easily be a baby card! I don't have a xyron machine, and don't know what it does, but the end product is great, whatever it did!

  21. Love the way you glittered your stars. I've gotta try that!

  22. I love all the sparkles. Your card is perfect!!!

  23. Love the color combo and the shimmer!
