Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You're the best!

Hello! This is a bit of a crazy week. As you all know, Izzy is only 2 1/2, so she is not in vacation bible school yet, but I was asked to help out so I am. It was really an unexpected call from my good friend Kim. She had to take over the front of the VBS and needed another singer/song leader. Luckily, I am able to flex my hours at work, so it all worked out. This is only my second day, but I loved all of the energy those wonderful kids have. I made this as a thank you for some of the people I have meet that have been such a blessing to me this week.

Needless to say I think my energy level might be a little down, so I am not sure how many cards I will get done this week. I couldn't miss Dawn's color combo for the week. It can be found here.
Isn't that a fun one? Oh my gosh I just noticed as I am writing this that I did mess up and use Chocolate instead of black, nuts! That is what you get from working on too little sleep. I combined this with the Viva La Verve week #3 sketch with a twist. The twist was to use a lot of white. I choose ivory, but that should be just fine.
Here is my take on the challenges.
It is really simple. I just fell into the anniversary gift set from PTI's first year again. Have you ever felt a stamp set was before it's time. I just couldn't get my head around this set when it frist came out. Now I am loving it. I think that I just wasn't ready or creative enough when it first came out, LOL!
I also finally figured out how to dry emboss with my nessties. I will definately be using this more! Oh and the senitment was a fun thing a saw a while back on one of the color challenges. I adore looking through all of the cards. There is just so much inspiration from everyone. It is always a treat. I have to wrap up and go sing now! I will work on making a real color combo card soon. So sorry about the chocolate/black mess up :(
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All suppplies are Papertrey Ink unless noted
Stamps: Simple Thanks, Handwritten notes
Paper: Vintage Cream, New Leaf
Ink: SU Chocolate Chip
Accessories: Nesties, Garden Green marker, Chocolate Satin ribbon, Choclate chip marker


  1. Love the idea and the simplicity of your card!

    I know what you mean with the stamps being there before their time! :-)

  2. I love how you did your sentiment as a frame around the card!

  3. Terri, your card is beautiful !! I love the framing.

  4. I'm impressed with your ability to create amid rearranging your schedule and doing VBS...I'm not always so flexible in the face of change.
    I love the framing with the sentiment going around and applaud your changing of the colors. That's your brain's inner genious. ;-)

  5. What a lovely fresh card! Fab layout and I love your dry embossing - it rocks! I tend to get obsessed with one stamp set for AGES then move on to another!

  6. I really like how you wove words into the dashed border...nice!

  7. You're so cute! Your card is STILL gorgeous! Even sleep deprived: you make an awesome card! Go SING, now! You're a trooper! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  8. Great job working in both challenges!
