Friday, August 7, 2009


Well I am so excited about today's card. You might have read on a previous post, I just found a fun sketch challenge site. It is called Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge and I am so excited to be able to play along. I have combined this sketch challenge with a color challenge #54 from Color Throwdown . Here are the colors

The fun sketch for the week
My creation
A close up of the fun center element
I have a good friend from my Bible Study group who is going back to work after being home with her daughter for 7 years. She is such a doll and never complains, but I know this transition will be a challenge for her. I thought this quote from Verve would be perfect for Missie. I really like how it reminds us that God is the only one who sees the whole picture and he knows what he is doing. Really, is there anything neater than a butterfly :)

I really liked the blocked background that the sketch had and thought it would be neat to use the dsp and Martha Stewart butterfly punch together to make that happen. The circles are punched from the 1 1/4 circle punch. When I used puches on dsp sometimes it frays the edges a bit. My solution is to spounge some ink on the edges. For this card especially with the white background, it really gave the circles some dimension. I decided that less was more on my main block and went with the fun ribbon and butterfly accent. I really liked the little guy on the knot. It reminded me of how they are always pearched on all different places. I also stamped the main image on cardstock vellum so that we could still see glimpses of the butterfly dsp behind the sentiment.

I must admit the color challenge had me stumped for a bit! I rearely break out blush blossom and when I do it is usually to color skin on an image. The I read that the inspiration had come from the Basic Grey dsp pack Ambrosia and I was in like flint. If I used the dsp from there I had to hit all of th colors right LOL! I think it really came about nicely. I really think Missie will like this and hopefully it will brighten her day.

It's a good life!

Terri E.

Deets: All supplies are Stampin Up unless noted

Stamps: Verve Beautiful You

Paper: Basic Grey DP Ambrosia, PTI Stampers Select White, PTI Cardstock Vellum, Basic Grey

Ink: Momento Black, Basic Gray

Accessories: Basic Gray taffeta ribbon, Stampin Dimensionals, 1 1/4 circle punch, Glue Dots, Spounge, Martha Stewart butterfly punch Michales, Bling Michaels


  1. Such a beautiful card and so thoughtful of you to support your friend like that. You will do so much to help her through by just being a wonderful friend. Thank you so much for joining us in the fun at the MMSC this week. We love having you. Hope to see you again next week.

    Carolyn, MMSC DT

  2. What a lovely card, yes, butterflies are the greatest. Nice colors and I love the center with the vellum. The Midnight Madness Design Team want to thank you for playing in our weekly challenge.

    Phyllis - MMDesign Team
    aka SparklePlenty1000 on SCS

  3. WOW Terri, I just love your card. It is just wonderful..more people should use vellum. It give such a wonderful effect on a card. Your friend will love it. Thank you for playing the Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge and I can not wait to see what you will come up with next week :)

  4. Hi Terri! Your card is so lovely! The vellum really makes is so soft. Great colors too! Thanks for playing with us this week and hope to see you again next week!

    MMDT Member

  5. Oh my goodness!! Look at all those gorgeous butterflies!!! I love your take on the sketch and combining the colors look so stunning!! BIG HUGS!!

  6. Love the colors you chose. The vellum makes such a difference too.
    Very creative. Very nice.

  7. What a kindness to do for someone else. Thanks for sharing your Christian faith with us!
    Beautiful card with lots of creativity!

  8. Welcome to Midnight Madness! Terri, what a lovely color combo you have here. Great use of circle punch and butterflies in it :) I was going to do a CTD challenge too, just didn't get to it. Hehe. Guess we all have those times. Thank you for playing with us and hope to see you soon again. xox~Jeni & MMSC DT

  9. Forgot to tell you that I am also from Northern Illinois...Rockford.

  10. What a wonderful friend you are to have put the time and effort into this beautiful card! This is such a fun way to highlight all those cool BG patterns! TFS!

  11. Wowzers Teri! This is so gorgeous! Butterflies throughout and the vellum with the sentiment is perfect! Thank you for joining in the fun this week! :) Michelle MMDT

  12. This is sure to brighten her day, it's just beautiful! It's almost as if that Verve saying was written just for times like these. Great work as always!

  13. What a sweet gift to give your friend. Lovely sentiment and beautiful card.

  14. Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. Love your card. I wish I had thought of velum when I made my first card for this challenge. What a great idea. Love the butterflies. Your friend is sure to love this.

  15. Hi Terri! You are such a doll! I loved your inspirational post here and your card is excellent! Great work! I don't know how you DO IT ALL! You are amazing! Have a great weekend!

  16. This is so pretty! I love how you combined the colors and sketch challenge and came up with such a lovely card! Love the butterfly placement and sentiment too!

  17. What a wonderful card. I really like what you did with all the butterflies. Thanks for playing! I always enjoy visitng your blog. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Such a nice sentiment on a beautiful card. I am sure your friend will love it. Great take on the sketch challenge. Thanks so much for joining us this week for the sketch challenge. We hope to see your artwork for weeks to come!

  19. Oh I feel for your friend. That is a difficult transition. What a perfect card for her. Love that sentiment on the vellum and all the butterflies. Thanks for playing with the MMSC this week.

  20. Lovely card~great take on that sketch! Thanks so much for playing the CTD!
