Monday, August 24, 2009

Feel Better soon!

Check out my side bar, I was honored with another top card in my challenges! Isn't that fun. It has been three mentions in the past month from three of my favorite challenge sites. Isn't life good!

I made this card in for a clean and simple challenge over at the Verve forum.
Life is good, but it is not always great. My family and extended friends have had some doozies with health this summer. Tom who is my first cousin's husband was rushed up to Chicago with a heart problem. I don't know all of the details, but it is very serrious and they gave him a 50% chance of making it. Tom and Julie have two girls in high school and prayers would be greatly appreciate. I am going to get this in the mail right away so the family knows we are thinking and praying for them.

I dry embossed with the swiss dots folder on the top and bottom and then stamped with Verve stamps. I used feeling groovy and feel better soon sentiment set. I colored them with copics in the cool color family and then used the same cool colors for some fun bling accents.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Stamps: Verve Feeling Groovy & Feel better soon
Ink: Momento Black
Paper: PTI Stampers select white
Accessories: SU Ice bling, copics box a, swiss dots embossing folder

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