Monday, August 10, 2009

It's been too long

It's that time again!!! It is time for Dawn's color combo . I get giddy when I see another challenge pop up. I just don't even think to put these color combos together, but I adore every card I make with them. Serriously how does she come up with these?

Oh and do you notice those plum pudding buttons!!!!! I am in love already. I have an order in my cart that has been changed about 50 times already and it isn't even the 15 yet. Did you see Dawn's new set Scattered Showers Additions ? I am in love already and it is only day one. Serriously this might be my go to set for the next month LOL! Can you tell I am just a little bit excited, I have that extra $50 from Steph so my budget this month is higher than normal and I am so excited!

I combined this delicious color combo with a fun Stamp TV sketch challenge. Found here

Here is my creation
Can you even believe I hadn't used these little chickies yet? I think they are stinking cute. Did you notice the paper piercing around the oval and the paper piercing oval around the sentiment? I just learned how to do that from Beate's video. It was so stinking easy as soon as someone showed me. I am such a visual learner LOL!

Our sun has been hiding for days, so this is the best picture I could manage. I forsee a new lighting tent LOL! I love the floss that is a raspberry fizz match and then fun buttons. Everything else is Bravo Burgandy as I don't have scarlet jewel ink YET (that is on the order for this month).

This is for one of my friends who I really don't get to talk to enough. Do you have those. I adore her but we are both in a season of life that keeps us busy and not by our phones. Anyway, I think she will like this card.

As I was taking these photos, I looked up and had a moment. I thought I would show you my back yard. This morning it was so delightful I was overcomed with joy and wanted to share some of that. If you can imagine hearing the birds chirp and the wind chime quitely behind you. It really is so neat!!! It really is a good life! I am surronded by grass and corn fields LOL!

It's a good life!

Terri E.

Deets: All supplies are Papertrey Ink unless noted

Stamps: Everday Button Bits, Monogramed Letters

Paper: Plum Pudding bitty dots dsp, Vintage Cream, SU Bravo Burgandy

Ink: SU Bravo Burgandy, Plum Pudding

Accessories: Raspberry Fizz buttons, White buttons, SU Mat pack, SU paper piercer, SU coluzzle, Marvy giga scallop punch, dmc floss, SU Stampin dimensionals, SU glue dots, SU spounge


  1. Terri- I love this card! It is so cute! Awesome job on Dawn's challenge! And I am so jealous of your back's fabulous! It truly is a good life for you!

  2. oh I love that stamp set!!! I want it so badly, just haven't ever gotten around to order any PTI, wouldn't know which ONE set to get!
    thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. Terri, I love your button birds, great card.

  4. Beautiful card, love your piercing

  5. Your card is sweeeet! and i love those little chickies.
    Great job!

  6. Oh my!!!! This is ADORABLE!!!! I love it! The birds are the cutest!! Top 10 for least over at my blog!! LOL!!

  7. your friend will absolutely love that sweet card! aren't those chicks the best...i haven't used them either, but they are next on my list!

  8. Wonderful card! I haven't used my chickies yet either! I like the clean design with the bright punches of color. I'm surrounded by corn too!

  9. What an adorable card!! Love the chickies. I haven't broken out those stamps yet. And you're right, Scattered Showers Additions is awesome!

  10. Terri, this is too cute for words!! I adore all of the paper-piercing you did on this. Simply fabulous!

  11. Cuuuute card Terri! I love how you used the buttons! :) TFS

  12. Awwwwwwww such a cute card. Love the images you've used and the colours also. Hugs Michele x

  13. A cute little card, very effective way of using the colours.:)

  14. Absolutely adorable!!! Love the card and your back yard is lovely!!!

  15. Thanks for stopping by The Open Window and leaving such kind compliments! I had a good time with this challenge.
    Your card is the birdies!

  16. Very cute card! I just love Papertrey button stamps, can't wait till I can get my own!

  17. Loved your card Terri. Beautiful. ANd great take on the color challenge.

  18. Fabulous card for both challenges!

  19. I love this, what a fabulous use of buttons, soooo cute!

  20. Great card Terri! I love those chicks. And I'm with you on Dawn's set - fantastic. And I don't even own the first one.

  21. This is fabulous and so adorable, Terri!!! Love this layout with these colors, too!!!

  22. so cute! I gotta get that set!! :-)Great job on the challenge!!

  23. Very sweet card! Everything looks so well put together!

  24. Too cute! I love that stamp set! :)

  25. Super cute! I love that purple polka dot paper you used, yummy! And thank you so much for your kind comment! Many greetings from over the pond - Nina

  26. Loving those fate birdies, fab card!

  27. So cute Terri! I love that you used your EBB set... I love that set!
