Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thinking of fall

Before I head into the card, I have to share yet another really neat thing I found while surfing last night. I found this neat altered tin at Can you pixel this? . There is a drawing to get your own. She had made hers for her daughter and it is stinking cute. Izzy will be 3 in September and she would think this is the greatest thing ever! Lets see if I have a little luck left LOL!

Onto my fun card. I combined a color combo and a sketch challenge. Both were a bit hard for me this week, but I really like the outcome. The color combo below is from Color Throwdow and the sketch is from Midhight Madness Sketch Challenge .
The sketch
My take on the card
Okay, I think the end worked out just fine, but it took me a few tries, LOL! My challenge with the sketch was all of the rectangles and keeping that with the color combo in mind. For some reason, I was in a more clean and simple look. I decided to frame in my rectangle pieces and then using my gel pen to create the box. I used the spounge to color the rectangles a little darker with soft suede ink.
One of the things I adore with the challenges is it forces me to use my in colors much quicker than I normally would. Color Throwdown has been so helpful with that! I adore soft suede now and I don't think I would have fallen in love with it until May like last year and those in colors. By that tie, I had no real time to enjoy the colors before they were gone. This has been great and I am sure it will be my best year with the new in colors yet.
The other thing that I creatively problem solved was the elements on each end of the card. In my latest papertrey ink package I got some jute in and I really didn't know what that was, but I don't think you can go wrong with Papertrey Ink, so I went for it. I love it!!! It is so much more supple than Stampin Up's hemp. It is really user friendly. Okay I put in some eyelets and then wound the jute through and up behind the center piece and knotted it. I really like how it ties those pieces in the sketch together. I also like how it worked with the color combo.
We are going as a family today to the zoo. Isn't that fun! Izzy loves the animals so this will be a wonderful day for us. Hope you are having fun as well.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All supplies are Stampin Up unless noted
Samps: Trendy Trees
Ink: Soft Suede, Dusty Durango and Bermuda Bay
Paper: Soft Suede, PTI Stampers Select White
Accessories: PTI Jute, White eyelets, Stampin dimensionals, white gel pen, spounge


  1. Beautiful job on both the sketch and color challenges--love the trees. Have fun at the zoo, what a great family outing!

  2. You used the colors beautifully! The trees are from one of my favorite sets! Thanks for playing the Color Throwdown with us!

  3. I love how you used brighter colors for your image!! Awesome Fall card!! Love those trees!! Thanks for playing with the MMSC this week!!

  4. Lovely fall card! Love those trees and your layout! Thanks for playing the Throwdown!

  5. Beautiful card. Love how you treated the squares. Thanks for playing the Color Throwdown Challenge.

  6. Hello, I'm leaving a comment for you because you have a great site here - I've really enjoyed reading your posts and your pictures are great !

    Thanks for sharing them and have a lovely weekend

  7. Fall cannot come quick enough! Love your card! Hope you all enjoy the zoo!

  8. I just LOVE Trendy Trees! A perfect set to use with these colors for your fabulous card! Thanks for playing!

  9. Terrific card! Love your take on the sketch! Good luck with this weeks contest! Hugz, Sunshine of Sunshine's Stamps:)
