Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Feel Better soon!

Don't forget about my two BIG Blog Candies found here.

I am so excited to share this wonderful (okay I think wonderful) card. I need to share a little about the receipant before I get into the craft details or the card won't make since LOL! Okay this is for my Uncle Mike who is a Grandfather figure for Izzy. He has had some heart problems and just got out of surgery. We love to visit Uncle Mike and the picture that I used for the card was from one of our visits this summer.

Now on to the card details. I used this great color combo for the Verve release challenge found here. So not my normal card colors, but with the funky clothes Izzy picked out to wear that day, it worked out just fine.

I also used this sketch as a jumping off point. This is for the Stamping Sisters in Christ challenge site. I really like this site and you can enter as much as you like, so I might be making another card soon. The scripture for this week was chosen by Lisa Hjulberg, Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This is one of those scriptures that you can never hear to many times. It is such a comfot and so full of hope. One of my favs for sure. Since it was about plans, they have a sketch challenge this week.
Here is my card.
Wouldn't this make you smile if you weren't feeling good? This is the outfit my daughter wore in July in Illinois! Isn't she a riot LOL! I added the fun bling and faux stiching. I really like how it finished the card off. When I was done the first time, I thought I can't send this, but it growing on me and I know my Uncle will LOVE it.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All supplies are stampin up unless noted
Stamps: Verve sentiment
Paper: Rich Razzleberry, Old Olive dsp, taken with teal
Ink: Rich Razzleberry
Accessories: Dusty Durango ribbon, blue bling, slit punch, coluzzle, white gel pen, spounge


  1. Absolutely precious and, of course, your Uncle will love it.

  2. LOL!! That is PRICELESS!! What a hoot! I have a very similar picture of my 2 girls being silly with mismatched clothing, skateboard knee pads on their feet and scarves for skirts! Oh Boy... you are a genious for adding this photo to a card--would be GREAT to lift someone's spirits! =0) heeheee...I'm still giggling!

    THank you so much for playing in our sketch challenge this week! Hope you'll continue playing with us when you get the chance! =0)

  3. How fun! I love cards with pictures! And the sunglasses...awesome! I love the colors of this card.

  4. You could slap that picture on a blank card and it would be sendable, how cute! I used to love picking out my own outfits and dressung up how I please. Now I dread it each morning! Your uncle will love this, what a special card.

  5. Lovely card, great take on the sketch. Thanks for the comment on mine. Anesha :-)

  6. great job on the card! I love how you slotted the ribbon through the picture. my daughter is just like yours---cold weather clothes during hot weather months!!

  7. AWWWW - Terri - this is toooo stinkin' cute!!! What a great take on the sketch and the colors!!!

    You did a wonderful job on all the other VV challenge too!!! You rock!!! I only managed to do one - LOL!!! Hugs ~S~
