Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy wishes

Well, I have been a little lax about uploading fun Izzy pictures lately and I have the perfect ones to share with the card today. My cousin Katie is having a baby and she is due 6-7 weeks before me. Izzy and I have been working on a big project for Katie's baby shower.

We are going to be giving individual cupcakes as take home gifts for every attendant who comes. I will share more about this fun project when we get closer to the day, but Izzy has been helping along the way. A few days ago, I decided to put everything together since the shower is 1 1/2 weeks away. Izzy came down the stairs the next morning and saw in her words "the most beautiful sight in the world". Isn't that a hoot? You would have thought it was Christmas morning with her reaction. I must say it is nice to have a little one that impressed by stamping things, it does make you proud of all the work you have done LOL!!!

Anyway here are our 6 in the morning pictures of the boxes. Oh, did I mention I got a fabulous Christmas gift this year. My hubby got me a Nikon D5000!!! Wahoooooo!!!! I have been wanting a camera upgrade for some time and I must say I am not disappointed. Even with little knowledge the level of my pictures has increased so much already. I am now on the hunt for a good online class to develop my skills. I have a few ideas, but if you have any suggestions, fell free to leave them in the comments below.
This is the best smile I get at 6 in the morning LOL!
Finally onto the card. I made this for a few challenges and have been waiting to show you as it was Katie's birthday card and I didn't want her seeing it before it got to her, LOL!
Isn't this a fun card? I adore the way the mittens turend out and I am really looking forward to pulling them out again soon. The background was something fun, just some punched out squares with roughed up edges. I liked how it added just a little bit of dimension without overtaking the whole card.
It's a good life!
Terri E.

Deets: All supplies are Stampin Up unless noted
Stamps: PTI Warm wishes
Ink: Kiwi Kiss, Bermuda Bay, GKD momento black
Paper: Basic Black, PTI Stampers select white
Accessories: 1 1/4 square punch, nesties, bermuda bay ribbon, glitter, glue pen, floss, 1/8 circle punch, stampin dimensionals

1 comment:

  1. I love your story of Izzy's reactions to your projects. I have a six year old grandson and every time he sees one of my cards he says "can you make me one like that, BeeBee?". I put one in the mail for him yesterday; hoping he will receive it tomorrow!
