Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Well, this is a card that has been in my file for some time. It was for a color challenge, but I couldn't tell you what one LOL! Speaking of PTI, did any of you get your new orders in? I just got mine yesterday and the new argile set is to die for. It might even be my new favorite. That is sure something that PTI knocks out of the park every time!

Guidelines 2 is the set I used to make this background and it is another go to of mine. I also realized today that I am going to need to get all of my father's day cards done as well since that will be just a few days after the baby comes. Hopefully I will have lots of fun new eye candy for all of you soon!

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Deets: All supplies are PTI unless noted
Stamps: Guidelines 2, damask designs
Paper: Stampers select white, ocean tides, bravo burgandy
Ink: Aqua mist, bravo burgandy, creamy carmel, Chocolate chip
Accessories: Threading water border punch, aqua mist ribbon

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