Saturday, August 7, 2010

CHA Make in Takes

Here is another CHA make in take installement. The first is a sketch book that I made at the Taylored Expressions booth. It turned out super cute and it is made with a new set that will be coming out in August. I ended up buying another new set there as well, but haven't busted it out yet. It is in the container LOL!
This is a cutie little robot candy box that we made at the My Favorite Things booth. I adore that we got to use copics there, but you did have to wait in a line to do their make in takes. I was glad to have this one done without a HUGE wait.
This is a fun card that I made at one of the booths, but I have no idea what booth that was LOL! It was cute so I did include some shots.
the side view
It's a good life!
Terri E.

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