Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am excited to be writing today. It means I am finally done with all of Cece's announcements. When I took this picture, I thought I had them all done, but then I realized as I was stuffing envelopes that I still had about 41 to finish. Wowziers!!!! Anyway they are cute and will be out in Monday's mail. It does feel good to have that done.
Here is the card for the day.
I used PTI borders and corners ovals for this card. What I liked best was teh fun background. I acutall stamped it in crumb cake ink from su and then used a white gel pen to add some pop to the centers of the image. I used this for the Finally Friday challenge to make a hello card.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All supplies are PTI unless noted
Stamps: PTI Background Basics:Diamonds, PTI Borders and Corners:Ovals
Paper:Stampers select white, kraft, new leaf, spring moss
Ink: new leaf, crumb cake
Accessories:white gel pen, score pal, su large oval, spring moss buttons, dmc floss, new leaf ribbon

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic CAS Card. I like the scored lines and the white paper and the background rocks !
