Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Izzy!

It has been a whirlwind of a week. Izzy turned 4 yesterday here is her card.
Isn't that fun? It is a big sized card, so she will love it. It is also all about the pink. She is so into Pinkalicious right now. She loves the book and we even have a pinkalicious room LOL. This is our first year with kids coming over for a party, so that is fun as well. We are having a small group of girls (6 including her) that are coming over for a jewerly making party.

I will put a birthday picture up later. She is already up, we have the preschool party today so the fun continues.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Deets: All supplies are PTI unless noted
Paper: SU dsp, raspberry fizz
Accessories: Buttons, white felt, glue dots, pink chipboard


  1. Super cute Terri. Tell her happy birthday for me.

  2. Such an adorable card for your sweet little 'cupcake'.
    Happy Birthday, Izzy!

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