Sunday, February 5, 2012

I just love February

Because it is PTI's anniversary month! It always means tons of fun challenges, eyecandy and excitement. I made this card for round 2 of the color Q challenge as well. I really wanted to try those colors again. 
This card is inspired by Jess Whitty's creation as well. She is fabulous! I love her inginuity and creativity, oh and she uses a lot of food items and packaging, which is FABULOUS!!!!
It's a good life!
Terri E.


  1. Another fabulous card, Terri, Love the doily and heart theme on this one! Thanks again for joining us at the ColourQ this week.

  2. This card is sooo pretty! The doily in the back looks great! Adds such a lovely layer, very very nice!
    Hugs, Wendy

  3. Your card really grabbed my eye on the gallery - well done! Love the colors. And was surprised to see you are from Coal City! My husband's grandma is from Carbon Hill. Helen Dryer? I know, there are a ton of people who live in your area, but I also know it's a tight knit community. Anyway, great card!
