Sunday, February 5, 2012

Maile's card

I was stoked that Maile picked that card for her favorite. I must admit it is iconic to me as well. To have the liberty to CASE it was really a lot of fun. Ironically I bought the circle border because of this card and this is only my second time using it at all. Hopefully I bust it out again soon.  Here is the list again

I'm not sure if I will be making more tonight, I have a presentation tomorrow and a head ache. 
It's a good life!
Terri E.


  1. I'm so glad you used BG Basics: Circles for your card. It was on my list to try next (after Modern Basics), but I don't have time tonight. Yours is wonderful!

  2. Gorgeous take on Maile's card! So cheerful!

  3. Hope you're feeling better -- fabulous card!

  4. This is fun! love the design and the row of buttons!

  5. I just found your blog through your link-up to CPS. I love your work, and just became a follower!
