Saturday, February 9, 2013

Flamingo Love

Well I must admit I love PTI anniversary time. My only downer is the freebee designs the designer give us (I know it sounds so ungrateful LOL!). My issue is I always find one I LOVE and can't stamp it over and over LOL! I know some people are good with the oline stamps, but that isn't my gig. It is still fun to create with them.

  For this tag which I am entering in the contest today, Izzy helped color this cutie. She is loving this fun and sassy flamingo as well.

I am also entering this in the Paper Smooches polkadot challenge at the sparks blog. The saying and heart is from their new set and the polka dot stamp is a PS set as well.  We are using this fun tag for the valentine's day cookie event that we are doing at church.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

1 comment:

  1. aach too cute coloring how old is son is 6 Years old and he love to coloring too...cute and lovely Polkadot Tag...good luck with the challenge..

    I am joining also the paper smooches SPARK challenge my card is number 47, would you mind to see it on my Blog..would be glad if you could leave me also some love...many thanks before...Monika
