Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fav of the night!

This little cutie is for Izzy,  I am starting to make cards for Izzy's lunchbox. 
This is for the PTI string challenge.  The Reverse confetti color challenge.  It is also for the Simon Stays Wednesday bling challenge.  This is also for the PTI MIM heat and stick powder.  It was my first time using it and I'm not sure I had it correct, but I will keep trying it. 

It's a good life!
Terri E.


  1. So sweet - love the bling of course and the needlework is so pretty!

  2. This is SO sweet! Love your color combo and the stitching detail. Am sure you really brighten your Izzy's day when she finds one of these in her lunch box!

  3. Beautiful stitching and glittering! Lovely, thoughtful note for Izzy!

  4. super sweet little love note. great use of the colors. thanks for playing again with RC.

  5. How precious! This should make Izzy's day at school a LOT brighter. : )
