Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I love you

We had a great night last night a my Mom and Dads.  We celebrated new year countdown at 7:00 pm cst.  Today we are hanging out at home and making some cards for the soldiers.  I was able to get my hands on the new stamp set from Hero Arts for OWH. 
The animals are a perfect fit with Way to go Kiddo.  This is going to be my go to combo for the day LOL!
One of my new years stamping goals is to use what I have.  I must say the MIM angled paper challenge works with that end goal.  It feels so good to create for a good cause and use up some of my hoarded stash LOL!  I am also entering this in the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge something new.  As I mentioned earlier, I am using new to me Hero Arts OWH stamps.

It's a good life!
Terri E.


  1. Terrie, you have some seriously cite cards here. Great dp

  2. So cute, Terri! I love the angled pp strips in the background and the elephants are adorable. Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge: Something New!
