Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's the little things

I made this card for a few challenges.  It is the little things that I learn in the online card classes that really make it all worth it.  I used my wink of stella on the words and then layers of crystal effects to make my own enamel word element.  Super fun!  I am entering this in the stencil class challenge as well as the SSS Wednesday let's have a laugh.  PS really has the best sentiments.  Best day evah makes me smile.  Cece has been saying that for the last two days.  She loves it when we are home with her. 

It's a good life!
Terri E.


  1. Oooh...I LOVE this hello! And the crystal effects is the perfect touch to go with the enamel dots. Thanks for playing along in the Let's Have a Laugh Challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog this week!
