Friday, June 19, 2009


Well it has been an interesting week. We finish up Vacation Bible School today and that is a mixture of releif and gratitude. I feel so blessed that I was asked to help and the kids absolutely loved their week of learning more about God. On the other hand, I will be glad to be getting back to work and crafting.

Our vet visit didn't go as well as I would have liked. Dakota ended up with 3 bone spurs that were really bothering him. He had surgery yesterday and they were able to get 2 out, but the third is in a really tight joint, so they are going in again on Monday. This does make me a bit nervous, but we will all manage. He is in the best place he can be right now and that is all I can hope for. Izzy went with us on Wednesday and she is absoluetley in love with horses. We knew she was really liking them, but after spending 5 hour around them it is confirmed. I think that is what makes the news that the surgery wasn't as successful the first time hard, it is her horse and we really would like him better for Izzy.

Anyway, I all of these other things have kept me away from the crafting room. I do have a few cards that haven't been posted that I will be sharing with you this weekend until there are some new cards for you. Here is a Viva La Verve card from last month.
Here was my take on the card
The sparkly star close up
I just got an essential glue pad a few weeks ago and so far I really like what it does. It was so much less mess and work to stamp some glue for the star versus heat embossing. I am also loving that I finally was able to put together a card that was masculine without being fall colors LOL!
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All supplies are Stampin Up unless noted
Stamps: PTI Star Prints, Verve Great Expectations
Paper: Kraft, Basic Grey, Baja Breeze, Urban Oasis dsp
Ink:Black, Essential Glue
Accessories: Balck glitter, black brads, baja breeze ribbon, stampin dimensinoals, matt pack, paper piercer

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog! I enjoy finding new blogs to look at and learn from! Your cards are super cute!
