Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday

LAST DAY TO ENTER to win Papertrey Ink's Background Basics: Retro. Get the details here. Winner will be announced tomorrow.

I LOVE Dawn's color challenge. She really takes me out of my comfort zone. All these pinks??? I am also amazed to be writing about a clean and simple card. I can't even believe it, these are usually so hard for me. Oh and it is still raining, so this is the best picture I could get right now.
Here is my take.
I have the hardest time with little boys birthday cards. This is for a friend of ours whose son will be 6 in May. I think it turned out really cute. I don't even think he will mind all of the pink, he is an ice cream lover, so I hope he will look past it. As I write this, I am not sure. What do you think? Maybe I should make another for him and give this to a bigger guy.
Any way this was so easy to make. It is really just the Martha Stewart ice cream punch and the swiss dots embossing folder. A little ribbon and done.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
Deets: All supplies are Papertrey Ink unless noted.
Stamps: Handwritten notes
Paper: Stampers select white, Berry Sorbet, Sweet Blush, SU Real Red, SU dsp Kraft
Ink: Berry Sorbet
Accessories: Martha Stewart Punch, Pure Poppy striped grosgrain ribbon, Swiss dots embossing folder.


Caryl P said...

Yummy card Terri. Coming from a first grade teacher, I think he'll love it!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous card!! I love the swiss dots with the small punches of color.

Anonymous said...

SOO cute! Now I MUST have that punch!

Fiorella said...

Is that a punch?!?!?! awesome!

{PurpleD} said...

One courageous lady!! I haven't mustered up the courage to play with these colors yet, but I will! :-)

Jessica Rosario said...

Love it!! I went the ice-cream way as well ;) It's amazing, you can give a group of ladies the same exact materials and no 2 projects will ever be the same. TFS :0)

Kim J said...

Terri, this is gorgeous! I love the hints of color and all that awesome texture. Absolutely fab!

Courtney Baker said...

I love this card. It's a great way to work in those colors. I just finished my Kwerner color challenge, but I can't seem to get my head around these colors.

And I don't have any advice on using it for a boy! I can't ever figure those guys out ;)

Lynnette said...

Totally adorable card!

I'm so glad to have found your blog.

Blessings to you!

Kristina said...

So cute! What a great idea to use your MS punch! I love how clean and simple it is. It lets the colors and images do the talking! Fantastic job with the challenge!

Paulina said...

What a darling card! From what I have seen with my younger brothers, it doesn't matter how cute/ masculine/ nice the card is, they really just want the present! lol I spent a long time on their birthday cards, but didn't exactly get the response I was hoping for.

Cheryl said...

Very cute!

Becca said...

This is awesome! I love the ice cream for a birthday card. You can't go wrong that way! This would be so cute done up in any color, too, I think! tfs

Anonymous said...

I think this is an awesome card for a boy whose an ice cream lover. And it's a wonderful CAS card - wonderful work!

Suzanne C said...

Love the ice cream cones. Don't think he will mind! Ice Cream is Ice Cream! :)

Unknown said...

GREAT job with the challenge! This is perfect :) I'm sure the recipient won't mind, due to the subject matter ;) Thanks for sharing!

Monica said...

Yummy! What a great way to use the colors. Great card!

Giovana said...

Beautiful!! I just want some ice
God bless

Lee said...

Great card. You used the colours well.

KimB said...

Hi Terri,
getting that many colours to work together is a challenge and I think you did a great job. And who doesn't like ice cream!! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.


Valerie Johsnon (Mom2Men) said...

This is adorable. I love it.

Helen F. said...

This card is sooo adorable. It's a perfect B-Day card..great colors too! This ice cream punch is on my list..just bought the Classic Butterfly but want all of the MS line:^)

Anonymous said...

GREAT card Terri!

Now... I need to find the nearest ice cream shop! lol!

Dana said...

Cute card, Terri! I have the hardest time with this challenge - the colors in my stash just don't fit together... But you really did an awesome job!!

Bonnie said...

He will be sure to love it!!! I love it!! You can't beat ice cream!

House of Smiths said...

Ooo, so cute... love the ice cream cones!

LeAnne said...

So cute, it's making me want some ice cream! I don't think a younger boy will mind---it is ice cream, after all, but an older boy might mind the pinks! How about some mint chocolate chip? Start your own color challenge! Now I am REALLY wanting some ice cream!

Lynn P. said...

Just too adorable - can't go wrong with ice cream.

Stamping Cafe said...

Simply gorgeous!! Love it!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and your wonderful comment!

Lisa Bohler said...

This is darling! Love those little ice cream cones in these colors!

Laurie said...

This is so cute! Love the ice cream cones and the embossing!

Jenn said...

Very sweet! Love the swiss dots and those little ice creams look good enough to eat! LOL!!! :)

Kristie Larsen said...

seriously cute icecreams! I was going to ask where you got the stamps, I can't believe its a punch! SO cute! Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time out to comment. I appreciate you!!

Carla G. said...

Very cute! I love the MS punch...I may have to get one now! Great layout, very simple but awesome at the same time!

Kara said...

I love this!!

Joshua Jiraffe Designs said...

This is so cute!!

Mona Pendleton said...

I love your card! Your ice-cream cones pop off the paper! Being an ice-cream lover, I know they are saying "Eat me!"

Winter said...

So cute! Love the little cones!